We have all been there. Instead of enjoying the last few days of the family holiday, we are sitting there worrying about what we may be returning to.

Returning to work after a relaxing holiday can be a daunting task. The break often provides a much-needed respite from the daily grind, but it can also make it challenging to jump back into your normally productive routine.

Here are some lessons I have learned over the years to help you refocus and get back into your business effectively after a holiday.


Ease Into Your Routine

One of the most effective ways to refocus on work after a holiday is to ease back into your routine. Instead of diving straight into a full workload, consider scheduling lighter tasks for the first day or two. This could involve catching up on emails and planning the week ahead accordingly. By giving yourself a gentle start, you can reduce the stress of transitioning from holiday mode to work mode.

I have given myself a home based “normalisation” day before now, and that can be useful. 


Prioritise Your Tasks

After a break, it’s common to feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks waiting for you. The InBox is often bursting and it can be difficult to know where to start.

To avoid this, try to look at all the emails (Not just the most recent) and prioritise them based on urgency and importance. All too often we view the oldest email maybe as the most urgent…but is it the most important?

Focus on high-priority tasks first and tackle them one at a time. This approach can help you manage your workload more effectively and prevent you from feeling swamped.


Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic and achievable goals is crucial when getting back to work after a holiday. Instead of aiming to dive in and complete everything within your first few days back in the office, break down your tasks into smaller, more manageable parts. Set daily or weekly goals that are attainable, and allow yourself to recognise small wins along the way. This will not only boost your morale but also help you maintain a steady pace without hitting the post holiday fatigue barrier.


Reconnect With Your Team

If you work in a team environment, taking some time to reconnect with your colleagues can be incredibly beneficial. Catch up on what you missed, of course discuss any ongoing projects, getting up to speed on goals and expectations, but also take some time to catch up on a personal level. This can help you feel more integrated back into the work environment whilst helping you build a clearer picture of what needs to be done.


Re-establish a Routine

We know that routines provide structure and predictability, but we often use a holiday to purposely break those routines. Before you jump back into the pre holiday routine as quickly as possible, take a moment to review that routine. Is it still appropriate, efficient and effective? Would a small, or a big, change help you and your business?


Minimise Distractions

Distractions are a productivity killer, especially when you’re trying to refocus after a holiday. Identify common distractions in your workspace and find ways to minimise them. This could mean turning off non-essential notifications, setting boundaries with colleagues, or finding a quiet place to work. The less distracted you are, the easier it will be to concentrate on your tasks.


Take Care of Yourself

We all look forward to that well earned break as a chance to recharge the batteries, but it is all too easy to forget the importance of self-care when you’re busy catching up on work, but taking care of your physical and mental well-being is essential for maintaining productivity.

For me, sleep is one area that often gets out of routine after a holiday. And yes, you just might have to think about getting back to some exercise after all of that realxing, eating and drinking!

How many times have you caught yourself saying “That holiday seems such a long time ago” when you are only just back?

Instead of viewing your holiday as a distant memory, try to reflect on what you enjoyed most about it and how those experiences made you feel. This can help you carry some of that positive energy back into your work. Whether it’s feeling more relaxed, having a clearer mind, or being more inspired, channel those positive feelings into your work routine.

Refocusing on work after a holiday doesn’t have to be a struggle. By easing into your routine, prioritising tasks, and taking care of yourself, you can transition back to work more smoothly. Remember, it’s all about balance—giving yourself the time to adjust while also setting the stage for productivity. With these strategies in place, you’ll be back in the swing of things in no time!

Stuart Brown
