Cash Why So Many Agencies Struggle To Accumulate Cash Making money in business is not rocket science. If you have more of it coming in than you have going out then you’ll generate cash.…Paul Barnes
Blog “If we just push through this next phase, it will all get easier…” How many times have you found yourself using that line? I hear it all the time from agency owners, and sometimes it's true. But often,…Paul Barnes
Blog How Your Pre Year-End Tax Review Meeting Can Play A Critical Part In Adding Cash On To Your Bottom Line Running a business is hard. Growing a business is even harder and if like the majority of agencies, you have struggled to scale retainer income,…Paul Barnes
Blog The Agency KPI’s: How To Build A Profitable And Predictable Agency Having worked with agencies for some years now, I have seen a wide-ranging approach to data and KPI’s from tracking nothing to data overload. Data…Paul Barnes
Blog What It Takes To Build A WIN-WIN Agency I have yet to meet an agency that doesn’t want to provide the maximum value it can to its clients. Most of us set up…Paul Barnes
Blog Don’t Get Lost on the Road to Growth – Map Your Business’ Journey First Picture the scene: you’re about to take the first step on an exciting new journey. You know roughly where you’re headed, but how you get…Paul Barnes
Blog The 6 Components To Creating A Powerful Vision For Your Agency Many people talk about building vision, and I am sure that there will be plenty of definitions for what it means, but what does vision…Paul Barnes
Blog How To Understand & Calculate Your Break-Even Point Wherever you are on your agency journey, there will be a time when you need to scale back and survive without eating into the retained…Paul Barnes
Blog Why Most Agency Owners Are Under Constant Stress And The One Financial Device That Reduces It One of the key challenges of growing an agency is the unpredictable nature of the revenue you generate. Because the work tends to be project…Paul Barnes
Blog Choosing Your End Goal If you work with any business consultant they are likely to emphasise the importance of knowing your exit strategy. The logic being that you build…Paul Barnes