Does your face light up when certain clients call you?
Do you find yourself avoiding some emails more than others?
Do you have a list of clients on your wall who you just don’t quite trust…?
I think at some point we are all guilty of favouritism. However, it’s difficult to be objective about it, as we are much more likely to remember those we either really like, or really don’t like.
As your client list increases, then, often, it’s only the ‘noisiest’ clients who come to your attention, meaning great, but quiet customers, who pay on time and are no bother at all, can sometimes get lost in the crowd.
If you use cloud accountancy packages like Xero (as most of our clients do), there’s an ultra-handy new feature that allows you to create segments of clients based on things like:
- Speed of payment
- Profitability
- Upsells
- Speed of Completion (if you track time)
- Average time taken to settle your invoices
If your system tracks all of these, then you can use Xero SmartLists to instantly tell you which clients you should be wining and dining, and which clients are simply good at whining!
Smart Lists allow you to easily search your customer base, and each list is always, and instantly up-to-date, meaning running it monthly will tell you when good customers go bad, and vice versa.
It can even help you to manage your credit control, helping you to easily report on your customers who have taken too long to pay you!
[Tweet “As your client list increases, it’s only the ‘noisiest’ clients who get attention”]Smart Lists allows to export any search into a CSV (Spreadsheet) format, so you can pass this onto other departments who can then edit it however they please.
So now, you can make sure you spend your time with your best customers, not just your favourite customers.
For more advice on Smart Lists or any other Xero queries, drop us an email, or comment below, and we’ll be happy to show you how they work.