Saving Tax

Get your SAGE data converted for FREE to Xero until 31st March!!

By January 24th, 2017 No Comments

Red stamped 100% free signThe bad news:
If you’re using SAGE, we put it to you that you’re a bit outdated. A bit behind the times.  You’re using an accounts package that does not have the cool capabilities that it could – and you may be missing out on profits as a result.

The good news:
There is an online accounts package which is way cooler than Sage, called Xero. And all the creatives love it, and so do we.  It connects your numbers with swish-looking reports and super-cool apps and integrations so that your accounts not only make sense, but are fascinating like never before.

The great news:
You can switch from SAGE to Xero for FREE until the 31st March 2015.

From old school to new school.

From outdated to hip.

The greatest news:
If you switch now, you can convert all your existing SAGE data to a swish and cool online accounts system, without having to take more than about ten minutes away from all your creating.

Should you switch from SAGE to Xero?

Answer: Yes.

Your creative agency is probably used to accounts and bookkeeping and tax being those boring things you have to address once a year or so.

But we know that you live for the creative juices to flow, for the thrill of the design, for the late-night coffees and the sweet new ideas.

What if we told you that doing your accounts could give you that same kind of thrill?

No, you say.

It is not possible, you say.

Please leave me alone so I can design awesome things, you say.

But wait! We want to help you do that!

Xero actually allows you to be left alone more. To focus on creating more. To have more fun and make more profit and never again be tied to a computer or a desktop or anything remotely old school like that.

So get switching – and if you don’t quite become passionate about accounting, you’ll at least not hate it anymore.  And we’ll take care of the rest.

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