Cloud Accounting

Xero API Integrations

By January 31st, 2017 No Comments

So, talking of APIs….

…which we are pretty much always doing, because we are a bit geeky like that…

We thought we’d share some cool Xero API integrations – add-ons to the Xero online accounting software that make your creative and digital life just that much better. Not just because your accounts are all sorted out at the touch of a button, but because you can get more cash into the business.

Here are some of the Xero integrated apps that are pretty darn cool.

  • Workflow Max – It’s so easy for creative agencies to lose profit because you guess wrong on how long things will take. (They always take longer. We know.) WorkflowMax lets you track time, manage jobs, create quotes, purchase orders and invoices. You can check your productivity and how much money you are making on each job.….and it all integrates with Xero.  Oh yeah!


  • CustomerSure – Make sure that your clients are happy – and track it.  Generate simple, easy customer survey questionnaires to deliver after each job is completed. When your client is thrilled to bits, you get to hear about it (and publish it to your website).  If by any chance they’re not thrilled, you get to fix it right away (not ten months later when you discover they have been simmering about it and telling everyone but you).  It’s a win win.


  • Quote Roller – it’s a business proposal app that allows you to create proposals that your clients can sign right then and there, online.  Of course, since it links with Xero, the invoice gets shot out immediately, so you get paid faster.  Oh, and both Xero and Quote Roller integrate with Harvest, Capsule CRM, Salesforce, Highrise, Affinity Live, SugarCRM, PayPal, and RightSignature. Um, coolness.


  • ReceiptBank – When it comes to cool apps and integrations, we find that all businesses love this one, including ourselves! This is the one where you snap the receipt with your phone, job done.  You can record purchase invoices and receipts using the mobile app, forward them by email, send them by post, or integrate with Dropbox.  These guys really have thought of everything, and you’ll love it.


  • Fathom and ProfitSee – Okay, you might think this one is more for us, your accountants, than for you.  But not to worry – although we geek out at the numbers, you’ll benefit in a massive way.  Basically, this one integrates with the numbers you’ve already got in Xero to generate some pretty sweet looking reports.  Not those confusing ones in Excel with seven thousand cells and ten tabs and titles like “Profit and Loss Statement”, but coloured graphs and pie charts that say things like “The Analyst” and “Sales Wizard”.  How slick is that.


  • Gocardless – This one gives you all the power of direct debits, without the time and hassle to set it up at the bank, pay all their ridiculous fees, and get forms filled out ON PAPER. I mean, who does that these days.  Nope, with Gocardless you pay 1% of the transaction, to a maximum of £2, no matter the size of the fee.  So if you’re billing a client for an initial deposit of a thousand quid or more, you’re still only paying a transaction fee of £2.  And if the amount is small, it’s only 1%.  Best of all, it direct debits your client’s bank account, so everyone wins. Faster payments, lower fees – and yes, of course, it integrates with the beauty that is Xero.


So if you have all this coolness, what do you need us for?, you may be asking.

Well, our role is to help you make sense of all this.  The swishest reports and the brightest colours of apps integrated with Xero API can still be overwhelming when you’re looking at the big picture.  We’ll sit down with you (in person or virtually, doesn’t matter), and help you get more profitable, more quickly, in your creative agency.

Oh yeah.  It’s all coming together.

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